Monday, June 22, 2009

Announcement of New Product - My Handmade Chocolate

Assalamualaikum. Effective from 1 July, I will start selling Handmade Chocolates and InsyaAllah I will create a new blog just for my Homemade Chocolates and Candies. As a start there will be a promotion price to all customers. Please feel free to email me at

Kawan-kawan semua boleh buat pilihan sama ada Coklat Tulen (Real/Couverture Chocolate) ataupun Coklat Kompaun (Compound Chocolate). Sampel produk adalah seperti berikut:-Milk chocolate with almond, bubble rice and raisins.

Milk Chocolate Praline with Almond Filling

Milk Chocolate Drops with assorted nuts and raisins